The aftermath of traumatic limb loss presents challenges for both patients and healthcare providers. The prospect of a prosthetic limb offers hope for many. At Jameson Prosthetics we offer many advanced lower and upper limb prosthetics that can be fitted to patients with limb loss due to trauma. We welcome all patients to schedule a consultation to begin the process of determining if they are a candidate and what prosthetic would be ideal for their unique needs.
Medical Evaluation
The first step is a comprehensive medical evaluation to determine the patient’s overall health status. Patients who are struggling to regain strength and those with serious health conditions may not be immediate candidates for prosthetic limbs due to the extensive rehabilitation and physiotherapy required. Even so, these patients can be motivated to proceed with rehabilitation knowing that a functioning prosthetic limb awaits them following the required therapy.
Emergency and Critical Care
Early and efficient management of emergency and critical care is crucial. This initial phase can significantly impact the long-term outcomes for amputees. Proper wound care, infection prevention, and pain management are essential components of this stage.
Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation is a core element of recovery for patients receiving prosthetics. Jameson Prosthetics works closely with physical therapy. We also have a complete gym included in our West Ashley location to help patients strengthen muscles, improve balance and mobility, and teach patients how to use their prosthetic limb effectively.
Regular Monitoring
Patients will require regular follow-ups with us to adjust the prosthetic and learn daily living skills.
Psychological and Emotional Support
Coping with Limb Loss
The psychological impact of limb loss can be profound. Patients often experience a range of emotional responses, including denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. Physicians should be prepared to address these issues by recommending coping strategies such as:
Practical Tips for Physicians
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Address: 1407 Ashley River Road, Charleston, SC 29407
Tel: 843 936 1642
Jameson Prosthetics